I wake up……..
Vulnerable, I become
It’s a one-way street
I am running
Away from me
9th hour
I envision …….
Beyond the offing
Beyond the blurred horizon
What is the direction
What is the destination
10th hour
I realize………
I don’t need a direction
I don’t need a destination
I have an ineffable feeling
An unreasoning passion
11th hour
I decide……….
What I fear much
What I long to feel
I close my eyes
I come back to me
Hey Jitz....you have been always good with expressing feelings & words since school days.THATZ YOUR INTELLECT!!!! .Good you are exploring it.
YOU ARE THE GLUE...Thankz to you that vikku,you & me we met. Shivz is so happy that we met. She was pasturing me to meet you guys. TRUST ME
Jitz: Good you are exploring this excavated talent of yours. DO IT MORE. Understanding human emotions is a tough work and you happen to know across fields. PROUD of you dude! If you want Sangeeta can help you to publish your book. But you know how big a monstar she is :D
Once Preeti comes back home we gonna see how much time you spend with your pen & your bed time kinky encounters.
Read Sohrab Sepehri's poetry. He is an dead Iranian poet. His poyetry smells like yours.
thanks sasank.... never thought that u will know this Iranian poet... i liked your comment that "His" poetry smells like mine....
i will make sure that i will tell Sangeeta Ba that u call her a Monster.... will be a scene to see her kick your a_ _.
Meanwhile, shivz, if u happen to meet Geeta Ba before I meet her, pass on this msg....
Once again... thanks for your encouraging note...
enjoy ur crappy movie
Hey Jiten! Must say ...Though after a long time... This is wonderfully written and deeply thought about. Keep using your pen ....more often than you do now....
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