By the way, before I proceed I want to give 100% credit for the story to my friend Shivani. I don’t want to land up in an Aamir-Chetan type controversy later.
It’s quite natural for Indians to compare Delhi and Mumbai. They say Delhi is not safe for Girls while Mumbai is safe and similar other craps. Right? Now here’s an incident that demonstrates that Mumbai is not safe for Bitches. The incident took place in September 2009.
A stray Dog was raped by a Taxi Driver (named Mahesh Kamath) in Mumbai. The Driver was drunk when he committed the crime. The Bitch was so shocked that she didn’t have food for almost a week after the crime. The Police have given assurance to the owner of the Bitch that she (the Bitch and not the owner) won’t be asked to attend the proceedings in the Court.
The Police are confused as to what section of Criminal Code to charge the accused. Initially they were not even sure if they should file a case. This is considered to be one of the most challenging cases for the Indian law makers. The biggest challenge being how to prove that it was infact a rape.

Some of the path-breaking steps being taken include testing of semen samples, injury marks and dog's hair in the nails of the suspect. This case might lead to a change in Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code by inclusion of unnatural sex in the definition of crime.
Once, there was a similar case registered against a man in Delhi for raping a buffalo.
I am sure, incidents like these, would keep the Animal Rights Activists busy for a couple of weeks.
It’s high time that India should legalize prostitution like many other countries.
Thanks to people like Mahesh Kamath, Girls are safe in Mumbai!!