Telengana, Gorkhaland, Bodoland, Bundelkhand, Harit Pradesh (Western UP)..... the list goes on. These are the names of states that I am sure will get added to the list of states of India. Thanks to the hard to understand political game and egos of political leaders. The day is not far when the MLA of Gurgaon will go on a hunger strike and will demand that Gurgaon be declared a separate state. Soon, Mayawati will demand Lucknow to be declared a separate state.
India had more than 570 states before Independence. Thanks to Sardar Patel, the number of Princely States reduced to less than 20 at the time of Independence. If things goes on the way they are we will soon have more than 500 states. These politicians are busy fighting with each other for a new state. Similar fight among various states encouraged British to invade India and rule us for more than 200 years. By creating new States we are inviting similar trouble again. This is the reason that a peanut like Pakistan is considered to be more powerful than India.
Kudos to Manmohan Singh, Sonia and Rahul Gandhi for succumbing to political egos of inefficient politicians.